Морозов Юрий Степанович (RU),Петров Крум Стоянов (GB)
The invention relates to devices for hygiene and domestic animals can be used for water jet cleaning skin and hair of pets when walking on the street. Shower head comprises at least one working tube (RTR) with plugged ends, whose axle has the form of an open right - symmetric curve. In the operating position at least one plane passing through the axis of symmetry of the RTR and any two symmetric points RTR horizontal axis. The RTR made not less than eight outlet openings, whose axes are directed such that the length of any side of the polygon formed by the intersection points of the axes of the holes and the surface of the limb, no more than twice the arithmetic mean value is different from the lengths of all sides of the polygon. By RTR attached handle is a tube whose axis lies in the plane of symmetry RTR axis through the node, allowing or restricting the flow of water from the cavity in the handle cavity RTR. The pressurized water enters the cavity through the handle attached to it a flexible hose. The handle have at least one bend, while a large portion of the handle located at a distance of not more than 70 mm to any plane passing through the axis of symmetry RTR and any two symmetric points RTR axis. The distance between the nearest points of all RTR larger than the thickness of the animals limbs. The technical result - rapid and complete flushing impurities from the skin-hair pet limbs, as well as the economical use of water.Полезная модель относится к устройствам обеспечения гигиены домашних животных и может быть использована для очистки струями воды кожно-волосяного покрова домашних животных после прогулки на улице. Душевая насадка содержит хотя бы одну Рабочую Трубу (РТр) с заглушенными концами, чья ось имеет форму незамкнутой двусторонне - симметричной кривой. В рабочем положении хотя бы одна плоскость, проходящая через точку симметрии оси РТр и двух любых симметричных точек оси РТр горизонтальна. В РТр выполнены не меньше восьми выпускных отверстий, чьи