FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions relates to agriculture. Flooring for floor intended for livestock constructions and made with specified longitudinal direction, contains moisture-proof backing layer, on which worn-out layer is applied or with which worn-out layer is combined. Support layer is made with possibility of periodic bending 1/r, for example, in fact, for possibility of connection with cylindrical object, having diameter ∅ = 2R0. Flooring comprises first means of reducing sliding. Bending 1/r is mainly located along straight and parallel lines, grooves or strips passing across flooring in wearing layer or on it, wherein on said lines, grooves or strips bend is 1/r, where R0 ≥ r. Floor is made with specified longitudinal direction and contains flooring. Flooring is endless and extends around cylindrical drive roller, having diameter ∅ = 2R0 and driven by the drive to drive the floor in a continuous or periodic manner in its longitudinal direction. Livestock structure comprises said floor.EFFECT: creation of floor, which is resistant to wear and sliding, is impermeable for prevention of liquids penetration through floor, and also creation of flooring, which is wear-resistant and at the same time in some parts or along lines may have certain flexibility.14 cl, 9 dwgГруппа изобретений относится к области сельского хозяйства. Настил для пола, предназначенного для животноводческих сооружений и выполненного с заданным продольным направлением, содержит влагонепроницаемый опорный слой, на который нанесен изнашиваемый слой или с которым изнашиваемый слой объединен. Опорный слой выполнен с возможностью подвергания периодическому изгибанию 1/r, например, по существу, для возможности соединения с цилиндрическим предметом, имеющим диаметр ∅=2R0. Настил содержит первые средства уменьшения скольжения. Изгиб 1/r главным образом расположен по прямым и параллельным линиям, канавкам или полосам, проходящим поперек настила в изнашиваемом слое или на нем, при эт