Method for producing polyunsaturated fatty acids DHA and EPA or by growing a Plant comprising polynucleotides desaturase and elongase; The Plant, The Seed Oil of this plant, which includes EPA or DHA and Product comprising Said Oil.
A recombinant camelina plant or cell comprising one or more polynucleotides encoding a &Dgr;6-desaturase, a &Dgr;6-elongase and a &Dgr;5-desaturase operably linked with one or more regulatory sequences.MÉTODO PARA PRODUCIR ÁCIDOS GRASOS POLIINSATURADOS COMO EPA O DHA MEDIANTE EL CULTIVO DE UNA PLANTA QUE COMPRENDE POLINUCLEÓTIDOS DE DESATURASA Y ELONGASA; LA PLANTA, EL ACEITE DE SEMILLAS DE DICHA PLANTA QUE COMPRENDE EPA O DHA Y PRODUCTO QUE COMPRENDE DICHO ACEITE.