Topic of this invention in various porous backing materials which begin the porous compact which consists of organic high-molecular, on that surface having the carpet course which designates the calcium phosphate compound as the main component in vivo and in vitro at high bond strength, is to offer the production method of the organism active composite material which grants the organism activity in order it forms or to grow, or. The solution expedient, the process which makes the particulate precipitate which designates the calcium phosphate compound as the main component (1) the process which by the fact that the porous backing material is soaked in the solution which at least includes the calcium ion and the phosphoric acid hydrion makes the solution spread at least inside the hole of portion of the backing material, (2) in inside the hole where the solution enters, features that it includes at least.本発明の課題は、有機高分子からなる多孔質成形体をはじめとする各種の多孔質基材に、その表面に生体内や生体外においてリン酸カルシウム化合物を主成分とする被覆層を高い接着強度でもって形成乃至成長させるための生体活性を付与した生体活性複合材料の製造方法を提供することである。その解決手段は、(1)カルシウムイオンとリン酸水素イオンを少なくとも含む溶液に多孔質基材を浸漬することで基材の少なくとも一部の孔の内部に溶液を行き渡らせる工程、(2)溶液が入り込んだ孔の内部においてリン酸カルシウム化合物を主成分とする微粒子を析出させる工程、を少なくとも含むことを特徴とする。