Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Sankt-Peterburgskij nauchno-issledovatelskij institut ukha; gorla; nosa i rechi" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossijskoj Federatsii (FGBU "SPb NI
Georgieva Lyubov Viktorovna (RU),Георгиева Любовь Викторовна (RU),Karpishchenko Sergej Anatolevich (RU),Карпищенко Сергей Анатольевич (RU),Shumilova Natalya Aleksandrovna (RU),Шумилова Наталья Алексан
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, particularly to otorhinolaryngology. Symptoms are diagnosed in two stages. First stage involves an otorhinolaryngological examination involving an indirect laryngoscopy. If the patient has endoscopic signs of reflux-syndrome, such as hyperemia, thickening, maceration and folding of the interarytenoid space, the second stage is carried out – patient's examination. In case of interrogation, the following symptoms are detected: throat irritation, mucus sloughing down the pharynx posterior wall, lump in throat, mouth taste sour, heartburn or eructation, swallow discomfort, hoarse voice and cough, as well as data on how often patient lies after eating. That is followed by assessing the detected symptoms in scores: 0 points – absence of symptoms, 1 point – presence of symptoms 1 day a week, 2 points – presence of symptoms 2-3 days a week, 3 points – occurrence of symptoms 4 and more days a week. Obtained points are summed up and a single quantitative index is obtained, and if it is equal to or exceeds threshold of 5.5 points, conclusion is made on presence of pharyngolaryngeal reflux in patient. Efficiency of the prescribed therapy is controlled by comparing the total score before and after the treatment, determining the significance of the differences in the single quantitative index in the dynamics.EFFECT: method provides more effective diagnosis of the reflux-induced pathology of the otolaryngs and correction of treatment ensured by using the high sensitivity and specificity indicators.1 cl, 3 dwg, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к оториноларингологии. Выявляют симптомы болезни в два этапа. При этом на первом этапе проводят оториноларингологический осмотр, включающий непрямую ларингоскопию. При наличии у пациента эндоскопических признаков рефлюкс-синдрома, таких как гиперемия, утолщение, мацерация и складчатость межчерпаловидного пространства, осуществляют второй этап - опрос пациента. При опросе