<;p>; Meacute; all to increase the protein content in a eukaryotic cell that comprises an NFmdash gene; YC4 that comprises modifying the binding site for the trans-functional repressor; the method of producing a plant with increased protein content comprising crossing over and selecting the increased protein content; the method to increase resistance to a pathogen onbsp; a pest in a plant that includes the NFmdash; YC4 gene that includes modifying the binding site for the transcriptional repressor,alone or in addition in combination with expressing QQS in the plant; the method for producing a plant with increased resistance against a pathogen or pest, which includes crossing and selecting for increased resistance to the pathogen or pest; a cell, collection of cells, tissue, organ, or organism, where the NFmdash; YC4 gene comprises a promoter that comprises a binding site for a transcriptional repressor that has been modified so that the transcriptional repressor cannot prevent the transcription of NFmdash; YC4; from plant hiacute;And their seeds, lt, / P gt,<;p>;Mé;todo para aumentar el contenido de proteí;na en una cé;lula eucarió;tica que comprende un gen NF&mdash;YC4 que comprende modificar el sitio de unió;n para el represor transcnpcional; el mé;todo para producir una planta con contenido de proteina aumentado que comprende cruzar y seleccionar el contenido de proteina aumentado; el mé;todo para aumentar Ia resistencia a un pató;geno o ;una plaga en una planta que comprende el gen NF&mdash;YC4 que comprende modificar el sitio de unió;n para el represor transcripcional, solo o ademá;s en combinació;n con expresar QQS en Ia planta; el mé;todo para producir una planta con resistencia aumentada frente a un patô;geno o plaga que comprende cruzar y seleccionar para Ia resistencia aumentada al pató;geno o a Ia plaga; una cé;lula, colecció;n de cé;lulas,