FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely otorhinolaryngology, may be used for surgical management of the patients with laryngeal hemiplegia. A method involves introducing an implant in a paralysed vocal fold with regard to the dominant antropometric parameters and the vocal fold size. The preoperative measurement of height, acromial diameter, chest circumference, front neck length and circumference. The given antropometric parameters are placed in formulas of the presented multiple regression equations to calculate horizontal and vertical ellipsoid diameters (Dh and Dv) of the introduced implant. A transnasal fibrolaryngoscopy technique is used to display a distance of a vocal process of arytenoid cartilage (AC) of a healthy fold to a mean line (L). The derived values (Dh, Dv and L) in millimeters are placed in formula to determine a volume of the introduced implant: V=0.00052·Dv·Dh·L. During the operation, the calculated implant volume is introduced in an upper surface of the paralysed vocal fold at the depth of 3-4 mm anteriad from the attachment of the vocal process of AC with pushing a vestibular fold aside. The use of the given invention enables eliminating additional introduction of the implant in the vocal cord, as well as preventing developing laryngostenosis.EFFECT: pre-determined implant volume with regard to the antropometric parameters and the evidences of transnasal fibrolaryngoscopy enables reduced rate of surgical interventions and higher percentage of rehabilitation cases.Изобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к оториноларингологии, может быть использовано при хирургическом лечении больных с односторонними параличами гортани. Способ включает введение импланта в парализованную голосовую складку с учетом доминантных антропометрических параметров и размера голосовой щели пациента. При этом до операции у больного измеряют длину тела, акромиальный диаметр, окружность грудной клетки, длину шеи спереди и ее окружность. Д