Compounds 4 - carboxamido - isoindolinona, Selective inhibitors of parp-1; Preparation Process; a Pharmaceutical composition; in vitro method; product; and their use as a Medicine with antineoplastic activity
There are provided substituted 4-carboxamido-isoindolinone derivatives which selectively inhibit the activity of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase PARP-I with respect to poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase P ARP-2. The compounds of this invention are therefore useful in treating diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, central nervous system injury and different forms of in-flammation. The present invention also provides methods for preparing these compounds, pharmaceutical compositions comprising these compounds, and methods of treating diseases utilizing pharmaceutical compositions comprising these compounds.<;p>;Compuestos derivados de 4-carboxamido-isoindolinona, inhibidores selectivos de PARP-1; proceso de preparació;n; composició;n famacé;utica; un mé;todo in vitro; combinació;n farmacé;utica, y su uso como medicamento con actividad antineoplá;sica<;/p>;