BROWN, Laura J.,GOSIEWSKA, Anna,KIHM, Anthony J.,KRAMER, Brian C.
Cells obtained from human umbilical cord tissue, in which the umbilical cord tissue is substantially free of blood, where the cells: can be obtained by enzymatic digestion of human umbilical cord tissue that is substantially free of blood with a metalloprotease, a neutral protease and a mucolytic protease; they are capable of self-renewal and expansion in cultivation; they have the potential to differentiate; and have the following characteristics: a) express CD10, CD13, CD44, CD73, CD90, PDGFR-alpha, PD-L2, and HLA-A, B, C as detected by flow cytometry; b) not express CD31, CD34, CD45, CD80, CD86, CD141, CD178, HLA-G, CD117 and HLA-DR, DP, DQ as detected by flow cytometry; c) not express telomerase; and d) express, in relation to a human fibroblast, mesenchymal stem cells, or iliac crest of bone marrow cells, increased levels of interleukin 8, reticulon 1, chemokines (CXC motif) ligand 1 or chemokines (CXC motif) ligand 3 , for use in the treatment of a disease or condition related to degeneration of the intervertebral disc by administering the cells in the nucleus pulposus or fibrous ring of the intervertebral discLas celulas obtenidas a partir de tejido humano del cordon umbilical, en el que el tejido del cordon umbilical esta sustancialmente libre de sangre, donde las celulas: se pueden obtener por digestion enzimatica de tejido del cordon umbilical humano que esta sustancialmente libre de sangre con una metaloproteasa, una proteasa neutra y una proteasa mucolitica; son capaces de auto-renovacion y expansion en cultivo; tienen el potencial de diferenciarse; y tienen las siguientes caracteristicas: a) expresar CD10, CD13, CD44, CD73, CD90, PDGFR-alfa, PD-L2, y HLA-A, B, C como se detecta por la citometria de flujo; b) no expresar CD31, CD34, CD45, CD80, CD86, CD141, CD178, HLA-G, CD117 y HLA-DR, DP, DQ como se ha detectado por citometria de flujo; c) no expresar la telomerasa; y d) expresar, con relacion a un fibroblasto humano, celulas madre mesenquimales, o cre