A thin film drug delivery composition includes (i) a flowable water-solublefilm forming matrix; (ii) a particulate bioeffecting agent uniformly stationedtherein; and (iii) a taste-masking agent coated or intimately associated withthe particulate to provide taste-masking of the bioeffecting agent. Thecombined particulate and taste-masking agent have a particle size of 200microns or less and the flowable water-soluble film forming matrix is capableof being dried without loss of uniformity in the stationing of the particulatebioeffecting agent therein. The combined particulate and taste-masking agenthave a particle size of 150 microns or less, for example 100 microns or less.Moreover, the flowable water-soluble film forming matrix is formable into adry film of less than about 380 microns in thickness, for example less thanabout 250 microns in thickness.