A fixation assembly for spinal vertebrae has an anchor fixedly seatable in a spinal vertebrae and formed with an outwardly open socket, and a pedicle rod having a front end fixedly seated in the socket and a dynamic portion adjacent the front end that is shiftable relative to the anchor.[Fig. 1]一種脊椎之脊椎體保持裝置(20a、20b、20c、20d),包含一置入脊椎體之植入物(1),及一莖柄(2)。植入物(1)具有一空室(3),提供莖柄(2)運動,且莖柄(2)裝設在空室(3)中,俾便莖柄(2)相對於植入物(1)具有永久運動性。(圖1)1‧‧‧植入物2‧‧‧莖柄3‧‧‧空室4‧‧‧在植入物中之螺紋錨定5‧‧‧莖柄之螺紋段6‧‧‧植入物之擋止面7‧‧‧莖柄之相對擋止面12‧‧‧動態區13‧‧‧運動限制區14‧‧‧錨定區20a‧‧‧第一實施例之保持裝置