The present invention discloses an electronic vital-sign system with a manual vital-sign data input function, wherein a vital-sign recording unit is added to an electronic vital-sign system and used to input vital-sign data manually. The electronic vital-sign system detects vital-sign data automatically and receives other vital-sign data manually input by the user, such as the data of at least one of respiration rate, blood glucose, body temperature, body weight, food intake volume, fluid infusion volume, urine volume, stool volume and pain score. The system transmits the detected vital-sign data and manually-input vital-sign data to a cloud database where the vita-sign data is processed and integrated. The present invention incorporates a manual vital-sign data input function with the original vital-sign detection function and far-end transmission function of an electronic vital-sign system to provide appropriate assistance for hospitals, telecare centers, elderly nursing centers, elderly communities, and senior citizens living alone.一種具有可手動輸入生理值功能之電子生理監測系統,其係將一電子生理監測裝置增加一生理值紀錄單元用以,除了原有生理值偵測功能,更可手動輸入另一生理值資訊,例如一呼吸次數資訊、一血糖值資訊、一體溫值資訊、一體重資訊、一進食量資訊、一輸液量資訊、一小便量資訊、一大便量資訊或一疼痛指數資訊其中一種或一種以上,且將偵測以及手動輸入之生理值資訊傳輸至一雲端資料庫,進行資料統整。此具有可手動輸入生理值功能之電子生理監測系統兼具有原量測功能、加入生理值輸入功能配合原有遠距傳輸之功能,可依不同需求的醫療院所、遠距照護中心、老人養護中心、老人社區以及個人居家,提供適合的幫助。10‧‧‧具有可手動輸入生理值功能之電子生理監測系統11‧‧‧偵測單元12‧‧‧運算處理單元13‧‧‧傳輸單元14‧‧‧顯示單元15‧‧‧生理值紀錄單元16‧‧‧電力單元20‧‧‧雲端資料庫