"compound, method of treating a mammal suffering from a disease or condition involving the enzymes cyclooxygenase, pharmaceutical composition, process for and deuteration of a compound for the exchange of at least one hydrogen atom of said compound with an atom of deuterium and process for prepare m compound "
COMPOUND, METHOD OF TREATING A MAMMALIAN SUFFERING FROM A DISEASE OR A CONDITION INVOLVING CYCLOOXYGENASE ENZYMES, PHARMACEUTICAL COMPOSITION, PROCESS FOR THE DEUTERATION OF A COMPOUND BY THE EXCHANGE OF ATOMOOUS ATOMOOUS ATOMOO TO PREPARE A COMPOUND. The present description is directed to modulators of cyclooxygenase enzymes (COX) and pharmaceutically acceptable salts and prodrugs thereof, their chemical synthesis, and the medical use of such compounds for the treatment and / or management of the severity and duration of non-specific pain, tension-type pain, headache, migraine, back pain, sciatica, toothache, muscle pain, pain associated with acute soft tissue injuries, bursitis, tendinitis, low back pain, periarthritis, elbow tennis, twist, tension, muscle problems associated with sport injuries, muscle problems associated with accidents, menstruation pain, primary dysmenorrhea, acute throat irritation pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, any disorder requiring analgesic response, any disorder requiring anti-inflammatory response, any disorder requiring antipyretic response, any conditions mediated by cyclooxygenase, fibrosis cystic, dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and / or conditions mediated by <;225>; -amyloid levels are described.COMPOSTO, MéTODO DE TRATAR UM MAMìFERO QUE SOFRE DE UMA DOENçA OU DE UMA CONDIçãO ENVOLVENDO AS ENZIMAS CICLOOXIGENASE, COMPOSIçãO FARMACEUTICA, PROCESSO PARA A DEUTERAçAO DE UM COMPOSTO PELA TROCA DE PELO MENOS UM áTOMO DE HIDROGêNIO DO DITO COMPOSTO COM UM áTOMO DO DEUTéRIO E PROCESSO PARA PREPARAR UM COMPOSTO. A presente descrição é direcionada aos moduladores das enzimas ciclooxigenase (COX) e sais e pró-drogas farmaceuticamente aceitáveis dos mesmos, a síntese química dos mesmos, e o uso médico de tais compostos para o tratamento e/ou a gerência da severidade e duração de dor não-específica, dor do tipo tensão, dor de cabeça, enxaqueca, dor nas costas, ciática, dor de dente, dor muscular, dor associada com lesõe