1. A low-pressure therapeutic system for treating a tissue site on a patient, comprising:! trunk element located near the tissue site! A surgical napkin designed to create a hydraulic seal on top of the trunk element and the patient! a reduced pressure subsystem designed to deliver reduced pressure to a surgical napkin and containing:! a tank having an internal space for holding fluids! reduced pressure delivery pipeline flowing in communication with the indicated interior space and intended for delivery of reduced pressure to a surgical napkin,! source pipe flowing in communication with the indicated interior space! pressure sensor pipe in fluid communication with the specified interior space! pressure sensor flowing in communication with the pressure sensor pipe! a source of reduced pressure flowing in communication with the source pipe and configured to deliver reduced pressure to the source pipe, and! a reduced pressure control unit coupled to the pressure sensor and the reduced pressure source and configured to receive pressure data from the pressure sensor and flow data from the reduced pressure source and determine when the condition that the tank is full / is blocked. ! 2. The therapeutic system according to claim 1, in which the reduced pressure control unit is further configured to turn off the reduced pressure source when the condition is fulfilled1. Терапевтическая система пониженного давления для терапии участка ткани на пациенте, содержащая: ! магистральный элемент, размещаемый вблизи участка ткани, ! хирургическую салфетку, предназначенную для создания гидравлического уплотнения поверх магистрального элемента и пациента, ! подсистему пониженного давления, предназначенную для доставки пониженного давления к хирургической салфетке и содержащую: ! резервуар, имеющий внутреннее пространство, предназначенное для помещения текучих сред, ! трубопровод доставки пониженного давления, проточно сообщающийся с указанным внутренним пространством и предназначе