A Tenckhoff method for implanting catheter in the abdomen for peritoneal dialysis comprises implanting the catheter into the pelvic cavity. Before the surgery, sizes of hernial ring are determined, as well as their contours are marked on the anterior abdominal wall, sizes are determined palpatory with the help of the ultrasound. Projections of the future alotransplantant are marked on the anterior abdominal wall, which borders by 4-5 cm larger than the boundaries of hernial ring around its perimeter. A midline abdominal incision and fascia is performed, the length of which corresponds to the size of the grid. The hernial sac is identified, its contents are determined and it is immersed into the abdomen. A bed for the grid is formed within the calculated size under the rectus abdominis muscle. An aponeurosis puncture is carried out on the white line of the abdomen by 1 cm distal of the lower border of its opening, the tunnel is formed by the blunt dissection between the rectus abdominis muscle toward the pubis 5-6 cm long. The Tenckhoff catheter is introduced into the tunnel. A puncture of the peritoneum conductor probe is performed in the proximal end of the tunnel and it is controlled palpatory and visually through a peritoneum incision. The probe is placed in the pelvic cavity and fixed to the peritoneum in this position by two seams, the peritoneum is sutured, a mesh alotransplantant is implanted to the bed created. The aponeurosis over the net is sutured.Способ имплантации катетера Тенкофа в брюшную полость для проведения перитонеального диализа включает имплантацию катетера в полость малого таза. К операции пальпаторно и с помощью ультразвукового исследования определяют размеры грыжевых ворот, проводят разметку их контуров на передней брюшной стенке. Проводят разметку проекции будущего алотрансплантанта на переднюю брюшную стенку, границы которого на 4-5 см больше границ грыжевых ворот по всему их периметру. По средней линии живота выполняют разрез кожи и апоне