The invention discloses a micro alga cultivation system. The system comprises a transparent container containing water and micro alga; an LED lamp, which is placed in a sealed element and then placed in the transparent container for illuminating the micro algae; and a PWM controller, which is coupled to the LED lamp to control brightness/darkness contrast ratio of the LED lamp. The system may increase the growth rate of the micro algae. It can maintain the micro algae concentration and save 10% to 15% electricity consumption.本案係揭露一種微藻類養殖系統,其包括:一透光容器,其中置有水及微藻類;一LED燈管,係套置於一密封件中後置於該透光容器中,可發出光源照射該微藻類;以及一PWM控制器,耦接至該LED燈管,可控制該LED燈管的閃爍亮暗比。藉由上述之養殖系統可使藻體生長速度明顯提高,不但可維持藻體濃度,更能節省10.0%-15.0%之電力消耗