ABSTRACT. US data shows the geriatric population constituting 14% of their population in 2013 and an increase up to 21% by the year 2050. With increasing age, challenges related to anesthesia increase due to the anatomical and physiological changes, and deterioration in all the organ systems including the airways.Oneof the predictorsto difficult bag and mask ventilationis a patient who is edentulous.Bag and mask ventilation isdifficult to perform in edentulousbecause of 2 reasons: 1) The oral contour and bulge which is necessary for a complete seal of the face mask is lost due to lack of teeth. This leads to persistent air leak around the mask hence making the ventilation f ineffective. 2) On administration of the muscle relaxant the tone of the buccal and pharyngeal muscles is/7 further deteriorated henceadding toche airway insult .yfjv This problem has been dealt by methods that aim to reduce the air leak surrounding the face mask.lt has been done in the past by two ways : 1) Manipulate the face mask holding techniques : a) Wherein the facemask of a toddler size extends from the bridge of the nose to the maxillary alveolar lipor b) the caudal edge of the mask is placed above the lower lip and the neck is maintained in extension / 2) pulling the laxed sunken cheeks towards the maskTry to maintain the buccal bulge by either a) putting gauze pieces inside the mouth. b) keeping the dentures in during mask ventilation Our Invention: To overcome the problem of lax and sunken cheeks in edentulous patients, we have evolved an idea of a cuffed oropharyngeal airway which would have its cuff situated just distal to the bite block. Features of the airway: a) Rigid and smoothfiber material b) Bite block c) Availability in different sizes .:.. d) Cuff is pear shaped on both the sides so that it inflates and supports the immediate perioral area and simultaneously inflates maximum in the area of the cheeks. e) Spring loadd.one way valve regulated inflation l