Biodegradable single-phase cohesive hydrogel characterized in that it comprisesa homogeneous blend of x polymers, which may be identical or different, crosslinkedprior to the interpenetration thereof by mixing in the form of a single-phasehydrogel, wherein said crosslinked polymers are insoluble in water and misciblewith one another, and x is between 2 and 5. In one embodiment, the hydrogel accordingto the invention is characterized in that the x polymers have identical or differentdegrees of crosslinking, at least one of the x polymers having a degree of crosslinkingx1 and at least one of the x polymers having a degree of crosslinking x2, with x1being greater than or equal to x2. The invention also relates to the method forobtaining a hydrogel according to the invention and to the uses thereof, for examplefor the formulation of a viscosupplementation composition or of a compositionfor filling wrinkles.