The invention relates to a device for reducing the anxiety of a patient, especially a child, with respect to the face mask used in anesthetic induction. According to the invention, the device consists of a support plate (1) made of plastic material, which has a flat upper part (c), in the shape of a flattened arrow tip, on which two pairs of electroluminiscent diodes (6 and 6') are fixed, a middle flat part (b), of quasi-constant width, on which a multivibrator circuit (5) of electronic "lighting bug" type and a mini-switch (4) are fixed and to whose base there is fixed by casting a part (g) with J-shaped cross-section which forms a battery-holder part in which two secondary battery pills (d) are fixed, between two metal blades (e) for taking over the voltage, forming a set of batteries (3) for supplying the electronic circuit (5) by the mini-switch (4), to the base of the middle part (b) a fixation ring (2) is fastened with a cross-section plane in an angle α = 20…35°with respect to the plane of the middle part (b) of the support plate (1) having in the opposite side a flat lower part (a) with the cross-section plane in an angle β = 30…40° with respect to the cross-section plane of the fixation ring (2) by means of which the support plate (1) is fastened to a tube (D) for connection of a hollow part (A) of the oxygen mask having an edge continuing with an inflatable ring (B), provided with a nozzle (C) with valve.Invenţia se referă la un dispozitiv destinat reducerii anxietăţii unui pacient, în special unui copil, faţă de masca facială folosită în inducţia anestezică. Dispozitivul conform invenţiei este constituit dintr-o placă (1) suport confecţionată dintr-un material plastic, care are o parte (c) superioară plată, în formă de vârf de săgeată, aplatizat, pe care se fixează două perechi de diode (6 şi 6') electroluminiscente, o parte (b) mediană, plată, de lăţime cvasi-constantă, pe care se fixează un circuit (5) basculant astabil tip "licurici electronic" şi un m