The invention relates to medical engineering, in particular to the equipment used for biopsy drawing from gums.The device for biopsy drawing from gums includes a hollow cylindrical body formed of two portions (1), (2) connected by thread. The working end of portion (2) is made with thread for fixation of a hollow cylindrical cover (5), at one end of which is made an annular bevel, in which is made a through hole (6). On the surface of portion (2) of the body is rigidly fixed a branch pipe (3) with furtree grooves for connection to a vacuum device, communicating with the internal space of portion (2). The surface of portion (1) of the body is provided with a locking mechanism (8) fixed to the surface of the body by means of a screw (9) and composed of an L-shaped plate, intersecting a through groove made in the wall of portion (1) and fixing a guide (15) in the operating position. Inside the body is placed a rod (11), at the working end of which is fixed a piston (12). The piston (12) is placed in the cover (5) and is made with pointed edge (14). The opposite end of the working end of the rod (11) is provided with a control knob (10), connected by thread to the end of the rod (11), and between the knob (10) and the guide (15) is mounted a spring (13).Invenţia se referă la tehnica medicală, în special la utilajul utilizat pentru preluarea biopsiei din gingie.Dispozitivul pentru preluarea biopsiei din gingie include un corp cilindric cav format din două porţiuni (1), (2) unite prin filet. Capătul de lucru al porţiunii (2) este executat cu filet pentru fixarea unui capac (5) cilindric cav, la un capăt al căruia este executată o teşitură circulară, în care este executat un orificiu străpuns (6). Pe suprafaţa porţiunii (2) a corpului este fixat rigid un racord (3) cu crestături în formă de brad pentru conectarea la un dispozitiv cu vid, care comunică cu spaţiul interior al porţiunii (2). Suprafaţa porţiunii (1) a corpului este dotată cu un mecanism de blocare (8) fixat de