The present invention relates to implants used in dental clinics where an upper prosthesis can be unlocked by unlocking a connection screw which connects a fixture to the upper prosthesis and can be prevented from being unlocked or released by connecting a metal-made screw locking tool with elasticity to the connection screw, thereby maintaining the tightness of the upper prosthesis connected to the implant by being directly connected to the connection screw.치과용 임플란트에서 매식체와 상부보철을 연결하는 연결나사의 풀어짐에 의한 상부보철물 느슨해짐이나 탈락을 막기위해 탄성이있는 금속으로 만들어진 screw locking tool 을 연결나사에 결합시킨다.이로써 연결나사의 돌아감을 막아서 임플란트에 결합된 상부보철물의 견고함을 유지할 수 있다.