the object of the application is the way dewatering of biological products using drying method under pressure, in which the product is subjected to the action of gas flowing in a forced system closed under appropriate pressure over the dried product with the temperature difference in the cyrkuluj\u0105cego factor and dried productto reduce moisture content in the product to the desired level while dehydrating process is carried out with constant temperature atmosphere around the raw material, preferably above the storage temperature of the material but lower than the degradation temperature of its accordance with the notification process is in the drainage in which the dried product is placed on the suszarniczych trays arranged on at least one stack of shelves having surfaces exposed at the beginning of the drying process is used as a gas the nitrogen temperature from 30 oc to 120 degrees, pressure from 1.1 to 1.4 pa inside the ventricle drainagewhile the raw material is subjected simultaneously to two processes - the process owiewania factor gas, which passes through through a biological product in terms of hypertension and in a fixed temperature of 30 oc to 120 degrees, and a drying process desorpcyjnego caused by surfaces heating shelves.the object of the application is also a device for dehydrating biological products, especially food, forming closed physically and thermally team, having airtight chamber drainage accompanied by door and connected conductors with wykraplaczem, inside,which is located heat exchanger combined with located outside of heat generator and horizontal trays suszarnicze in the story, whereby the device is equipped with a means for agitating chamber drainage required gases and \/ or measures of bacteriostatic once the flow inducement factor under specified gas pressuremoreover, the device has a ustalaj\u0105co - automated system control, allowing the control parameters over the dehydration accordance with the notif