A toilet for household pets comprises a housing having a horizontal platform, a film-moving mechanism having two axes installed in said housing on opposite transverse sides of the platform, and a winding drive that moves a clean film onto the platform from a roll installed on the first axis, and moves the film with the excrement along the platform to a roll installed on the second axis, and film-securing devices which are installed in the housing on opposite longitudinal sides of the platform and designed to be capable of clamping and unclamping opposite edges of the film, respectively, for securing the film disposed in a stationary position on the platform and for the unhindered passage of the film moved along the platform. The first and second axes of the mechanism for moving the film are arranged and designed to be capable of tensioning the film and pressing same against the platform by means of the winding drive, wherein the film from the roll on the first axis is lifted to the platform and lowered fro