A network-enabled controller for a bathing unit is provided. The controllerincludes anetwork interface and a memory storing operational settings informationassociated with thebathing unit including water temperature settings. The controller isconfigured to connect toa home network through the network interface and to register with a gatewayaccessed over anetwork external to the home network. The controller is also configured tomaintain anactive communication link with the gateway. In response to receipt of a statusrequestoriginating from a remote control client through the gateway, the controllerprocesses thestatus request and selectively transmits through the gateway at least part ofthe operationalsettings information stored in the memory to the remote control client. Asystem forfacilitating remote control and monitoring of network-enabled controllers forbathing units isalso provided. The system comprises a remote control client executed on apersonalcomputing device, an Internet-based server implementing a gateway and aplurality ofnetwork-enabled controllers, wherein respective active communication links aremaintainedbetween the Internet-based server and the plurality of registered network-enabled controllers.