A kind of draw lifts cause plastotype patch, and include: a patch respectively has an earhole at the both ends of long axis; Colloid substance (e.g., skin care products) is coated in the patch. And another embodiment, a kind of draw lift cause plastotype patch, include: a patch respectively has an earhole at the both ends of long axis; Colloid substance is coated in the patch; One shape of face facial mask, the facial mask can be general facial mask, and the lower section of the shape of face facial mask and above-mentioned patch connection are integral. It is in use, can be covered on user on the face for the shape of face facial mask, and two earholes of the shape of face facial mask are hung over to the left and right ear of user, two earholes are hung over the left and right ear of user by right Hou again, and the patch then covers between two ear of user and at chin; The chin of user can first coat gel (e.g., skin care products), using the present apparatus when user's extended wear, chin can up be lifted, and achieve the effect that draw skin, while the facial mask applies, and can also apply face simultaneously. Advantage is to form plastotype patch using the mode of similar traditional facial mask. Directly the plastotype patch is hung between two ears when use, and the chin position of user may make to generate the effect drawn and lift cause. This there is different what tradition using electric wave to draw skin its is at high price, need professional to operate, and the feeling of shouting pain can be generated to face. This creation is easy to use, user can Self-operating, and it is cheap, excitement there will not be to face.一種拉提緊緻塑型貼布,包含:一貼布,在長軸的兩端各有一耳孔;該貼布上塗覆有膠狀物質(如,保養品)。以及另一實施例,一種拉提緊緻塑型貼布,包含:一貼布,在長軸的兩端各有一耳孔;該貼布上塗覆有膠狀物質;一臉型面膜,該面膜可為一般面膜,該臉型面膜的下方與上述貼布連結成一體。其使用時,可以將該臉型面膜覆蓋在使用者的臉上,並將該臉型面膜的兩耳孔掛在使用者的左右耳,然後再將兩耳孔掛在使用者的左右耳,而該貼布則覆蓋使用者兩耳之間及下巴處;使用者的下巴可先塗上凝膠(如,保養品),應用本裝置當使用者長期配戴時,可以將下巴往上提拉,達到拉皮的效果,同時該面膜的施作,也可以同時敷臉。優點為應用類似傳統面膜的方式,形成塑型貼布。使用時直接將該塑型貼布掛在兩耳之間,而可使得使用者的下