The invention relates to medical engineering, in particular to devices for hydropathetical procedures. A contrast sprays comprises input connecting pipes for feeding hot and cold water, connected two mixers thereto with heat controllers providing two canals for water supply of jets, in one of which the heat controller sets the upper temperature limit of the contrast sprays, in the other the heat controller sets the lower temperature limit of the contrast sprays, at least one jet is adapted to change the water direction, comprising two built-in electromagnetic valves, one per each of hot and cold water canals and a manually operated controller using a program loaded from an information outer source or from a computer, the controller controls separately the operation the electromagnetic valves of the contrast sprays. The separate control provides both separate regulation of water temperature sprayed by one jet by mixing water inside the jet and independence the temperature and time duration upon different body parts on which water is directed from different jets. The ability to change water direction from jets there is also an ability of controllable water direction from different jets upon different body parts, including upon active points. The use of the control system permits to maintain time and temperature regimes based on recommendation of special hydropathetical literature.Изобретение относится к медицинской технике, в частности к устройствам для водолечебных процедур. В контрастном душе содержатся входные штуцеры для подачи горячей и холодной воды, подключенные к ним два смесителя с терморегуляторами, обеспечивающие два канала водоснабжения форсунок, в одном из которых терморегулятором устанавливается верхняя температура контрастного душа, а во втором - нижняя температура контрастного душа, по крайней мере одна форсунка с возможностью изменения направления выпускаемой струи, содержащая два встроенных электромагнитных клапана, по одному на канал верхней и нижне