1. A medical device, comprising: a compressed single-segment swellable metal balloon having a wall including an inner surface, an outer surface, and an opening providing gas or fluid to the balloon; an iketer attached to the balloon and containing a cylindrical element that forms a lumen and includes the proximal and distal ends, the catheter supplying fluid from a fluid source located at the proximal end to the balloon at the distal end. 2. The medical device according to claim 1, wherein the inner surface delimits the cavity in the balloon. 3. The medical device according to claim 1, wherein the catheter comprises a second cylindrical element forming a second lumen for moving the guide element. The medical device according to claim 1, wherein the second lumen provides movement of the flexible conductor. The medical device according to claim 1, wherein the catheter does not contain a cylindrical element forming a lumen intended to move the guide element. The medical device of claim 1, wherein the catheter has a diameter of from about 0.7 to about 2.3 mm. A medical device according to claim 1, wherein the catheter has a wall thickness of from about 0.05 to about 0.5 mm. A medical device according to claim 1, wherein the catheter has at least one lumen with a diameter of from about 0.15 to about 2.2 mm. The medical device of claim 1, wherein the catheter has a length of from about 5 cm to about 300 cm. The medical device according to claim 1, wherein the catheter wall is made of a material selected from the group containing nylon�1. Медицинское устройство, содержащее:сжатый односегментный раздуваемый металлический баллон, имеющий стенку, включающую в себя внутреннюю поверхность, наружную поверхность и отверстие, обеспечивающее подачу в баллон газа или текучей среды; икатетер, прикрепленный к баллону и содержащий цилиндрический элемент, который образует просвет и включает в себя проксимальный и дистальный концы, причем катетер обеспечивает подачу текучей среды от исто