1. A greenhouse containing end walls, upper transverse elements rigidly attached to longitudinal stiffeners, a flexible translucent cover made of polycarbonate in the form of end sheets fixed on the upper transverse elements, and side sheets, and the upper transverse elements are attached to the base and have a profile with two longitudinal grooves, while the fixing ends of the greenhouse frame are fixed in the soil with the possibility of extraction, characterized in that the greenhouse contains a base frame, which includes a predominantly two-meter tunnel and at least one extension frame rigidly attached to it in the longitudinal direction, including a predominantly two-meter tunnel, and the said base of the greenhouse is made in the form of racks located parallel to the lateral sides of the said base frame and the frame of the greenhouse elongation, and the said upper elements are made in the form of rafters directed at an angle towards each other and connected by I am waiting for myself in the upper central part of the greenhouse frame, as well as at the points of interface with the posts by means of corner overlays fixed by means of fasteners to the said rafters and posts, while the said longitudinal stiffeners are made in the form of stringers and the lower strapping of the tunnels of the said base frame and the extension frame greenhouses, and the greenhouse is equipped with stiffeners made in the form of inclined profiles, jibs, the ends of which are connected to the lower and middle stringers, and the greenhouse is equipped with stiffeners made in the form of horizontal profiles, the ends of theЗаявляемая полезная модель относится к строительству, в частности к изготовлению теплицы, предназначенной для создания микроклимата благоприятного для выращивания садово-огородных культур на дачных усадебных участках.Недостатком полезной модели принятой за прототип является меньшая прочность, жесткость и долговечность конструкции теплицы.Техническим результатом заявл