According to World Health Organization (2017), each year, diarrhea kills 525,000 children under 5 and there are nearly 1.7 billion cases of diarrheal diseases which are due to infection, contaminated drinking water, contaminated food and many more. One of the major causes of diarrhea is the Escherichia coli also known as E. coli which may cause bloody diarrhea, common during summer. Aside from E. Coli, Salmonella is also one of the causes of diarrhea as well as food poisoning. Treating the E.coli as well as Salmonella is quite hard for the reason that antibiotics is unable to eliminate the said bacteria. On the other hand, isothiocyanates a group wherein sulforaphene belongs is effective against Escherichia coli by inhibiting the bacterial growth and lytic development of stxharboringprohages involving the induction of global bacterial stress regulatory system, (Nowicki et al., 2016). Based from the reasons stated the researchers were encouraged to conduct the study regarding the determination of effectiveness of antimicrobial properties of sulforaphene extracted from radish sprouts to Escherichia coli and Salmonella Typhimurium. The radish seeds undergone germination method first for 8 days in order to achieve a semideveloped radish sprouts then after that the Department of Science and Technology extracted glucoraphenin, the precursor to sulforaphene and the natural inducer of phase 2 detoxification enzymes which is the major component of an 8-day old radish sprout. In extracting the glucoraphenin, the fresh radish sprouts, 780.0 g were blended or osteorized and soaked in 2.0 L of 95 pcnt ethyl alcohol for 48 hours. Meanwhile, mechanical extraction was conducted to get the myrosinase. Afterwards, two compounds were converted to Sulforphene (SFE). Testing and validation of the SFE was held in the DOST. The sulforaphene from eight-day old radish sprouts got a triple positive (+++) with a value of 3 and verbal interpretation of complete, reactivity of mile with a value