Electrode sensor comprising an array of spaced apart individual contact elements (27`, 41), and an interface structure (30, 35) for forming contact between said contact elements and the skin said interface structure comprising an interface layer of an essentially electrically insulating or poorly electrically conducting material (20`, 29, 37) defining a skin (31) contact surface on one side and an array contact surface on the other side of the interface layer, a first pattern of an electrically conducting material on the array contact surface, a second pattern of an electrically conducting material on the skin contact surface, and electrical pathways (21`, 39) connecting the first pattern with the second pattern whereas, the first pattern comprises pattern elements, each individual contact element (27`, 41) comprises a contacting surface area large enough to cover several pattern elements of said first pattern when contacting the array contact surface of the interface structure, and by contacting distinct sections of the first pattern with said individual contact elements, groups of electrical pathways establish contact further with distinct sections of the second pattern, so that an individual contact element (27`, 41) defines an individual effective electrode on the skin contact surface. Method of manufacturing said electrode sensor, comprising the steps of: providing said interface structure, creating a first pattern of an electrically conducting material on its array contact surface, a second pattern of an electrically conducting material on its skin contact surface, electrically conducting pathways connecting the first pattern with the second pattern, and contacting sections of the electrically conducting first pattern with an array of spaced apart contact elements.Linvention concerne un capteur à électrodes comprenant un réseau déléments individuels de contact (27`, 41) écartés les uns des autres et une structure dinterface (30, 35) destinée à établir un conta