- 专利权人:
- 辽宁中医药大学
- 发明人:
- 张会永,杨关林,关乐,张小亮,刘宝文
- 申请号:
- CN201310441722.6
- 公开号:
- CN103550063A
- 申请日:
- 2013.09.26
- 申请国别(地区):
- CN
- 年份:
- 2014
- 代理人:
- 摘要:
- 一种“以药当针”中药穴位针刺笔,包括笔杆、笔头、弹簧。所述的笔杆与笔头均为中空结构,笔头呈圆台形,笔头螺纹连接笔杆。所述弹簧置于笔杆内,一端固定在笔杆内,另一端连接一个可在笔杆内滑动的滑动片。使中药饮片固定在笔杆中,手持笔杆,将笔头露出的中药饮片按压穴位,“以药当针”起到“针、药并举”的作用。将中药饮片放入针刺笔中固定,手持方便,操作便捷,“以药当针”将中药饮片透皮疗法与针灸穴位刺激有机联合,放大了两个疗法的功效,“以药当针”可以用于治疗临床慢性病,起到减轻症状,延缓发作,提高生存质量的作用。
- 来源网站:
- 中国工程科技知识中心
- 来源网址:
- http://www.ckcest.cn/home/
- 一种灸形磁针
- Compounds derived from acid - 2 - 5 - aminotetrahidroquinolin carboxylic; procedure of preparation of Medicine containing these Compounds, and their use for the Treatment or prevention of pulmonary hypertension, congestive heart failure, angina, hypertension, Diseases Trom Boembolicas, fibrotic diseases, ischemia, among others.
- Pyrimidines and Triazines compounds derived from Condensed to prepare Medicine; procedure; the procedure includes; Prevention and treatment; and the use thereof for treating and /Or prevention of heart failure, angina, hypertension, pulmonary hypertension and ischemia, among other diseases.
- Compounds derived from 1 - bencilcicloalquilcarboxilicos substituted Acids; procedure of preparation of Medicine containing these Compounds, and their use for the Treatment or prevention of heart failure, angina pectoris, hypertension, thromboembolic disorders, Functional The Kidney, among others.
- Nitrogenated heterocyclic amide compound, and use thereof for medical purposes