Маслов Геннадий Георгиевич (RU),Цыбулевский Валерий Викторович (RU),Щеглов Иван Васильевич (RU)
The proposed invention relates to the field of agricultural engineering, in particular to the structure of pneumatic drills. Seed drill comprising a hopper for the seed, air distribution system with the compressed air source, pressure regulator, flow synchronizer seeds communication channel. The communication channel is connected with dispensers in the form of vortex chambers. Each chamber has a nozzle and the calibration tube. Sowing nozzles are designed as additional dosing with the internal cavity in the form of a cone and are mounted on the outlet of the vortex chambers. Cone pneumatically connected via an outlet with a seed hopper and has two nozzles. One of the nozzles located at the top of the cone and is directed toward the other. The second nozzle is arranged in the opposite side against the outlet. For a better removal of seed from the vortex chamber back to the tank inner surface of the cavity in the form of additional metering cone fitted along the entire length pnevmokanalami and pnevmopolosti compensation channels connected with vortex chambers. Synchronizer seed flow pneumatically connected with additional dosing nozzles and is connected to a drive wheel of the drill. Synchronizer provided with a switch pnevmopotokov. Using the utility model will ensure the piece-feed seed furrow in various crops with a predetermined distance between the seeds and thereby increase crop yields. In addition, it is eliminating overruns seed during sowing.Предлагаемая полезная модель относится к области сельскохозяйственного машиностроения, в частности к конструкциям пневматических сеялок. Сеялка содержит бункер для семян, воздухораспределительную систему с источником сжатого воздуха, стабилизатор давления, синхронизатор потока семян, коммуникационный канал. Коммуникационный канал сообщен с дозаторами в виде вихревых камер. Каждая из камер имеет сопло и высевной патрубок. Высевные патрубки выполнены в виде дополнительных дозаторов с внутренней полостью в форме конуса и ус