T. Olacute; n refers to therapeutic and ampere products; eacute; effective drugs for C amp; acete; NCER, especially the system that makes C amp; eacute; effective drugs; Lulas cancerosa Sean M amp; Aacute; people who make C amp possible; eacute; Lulas effectors by introducing CI amp; aucute; n refers to the target of cell therapy; eacute; Cancer dew, lt, / P gt;<;p>;LA INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A PRODUCTOS TERAPÉ;UTICOS CONTRA EL CÁ;NCER, EN PARTICULAR, EL SISTEMA PARA HACER QUE LAS CÉ;LULAS CANCEROSAS SEAN MÁ;S SUSCEPTIBLES A CÉ;LULAS EFECTORAS MEDIANTE LA INTRODUCCIÓ;N DE DIANAS DE TERAPIA CELULAR EN CÉ;LULAS CANCEROSAS.<;/p>;