FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medical equipment, namely to a medical retaining lever, which is intended for installation on sliding bus of the operating table during shoulder surgery for arm support. Medical retaining lever comprises at least one hinge with two articulated bodies, which can rotate relative to each other about rotational axis. First body has several locking pins, and second body has several locking recesses. Wherein, number of fixing pins differs from number of locking recesses. Each locking pin has a part of engagement narrowing in axial direction. Locking recesses for selective, hinge blocking reception of each part of engagement are made narrowing in axial direction. When hinge is locked at least one of said locking pins is fully placed in one of narrowing recesses with its narrowing engagement part; wherein, at least one of the other locking pins is partly placed in one of the other narrowing recesses with its narrowing engagement part. Part of engagement of corresponding locking pin has at least one first flat surface of adjacency, and corresponding locking recess has at least one second flat surface of adjacency. When engagement part of corresponding locking pin is placed in appropriate locking recess, first and second surfaces of adjacency are at least partially in contact along the surface of each other.EFFECT: use of invention allows to move the retaining lever in all spatial directions and reliably fix it in the desired direction during shoulder surgery for arm support.12 cl, 8 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинской технике, а именно к медицинскому удерживающему рычагу, который предназначен, например, для установки на шине скольжения операционного стола при операциях плеча для опоры руки. Медицинский удерживающий рычаг содержит по меньшей мере один шарнир с двумя шарнирными телами, которые выполнены с возможностью вращения относительно друг друга вокруг оси вращения. Первое шарнирное тело имеет несколько фиксирующих штиф