This invention is a safe, efficient, automatic, non-toxic, environment friendly equipment, which is invented to scare birds so as to protect the crop in farm. The invention including 3 major portions: 1. Automatic power supply system: it is composed with the solar panel, small wind power generator and a battery. 2. The green laser scanning system: it is composed with a green light LED settled in a rotator, which spin one cycle every 3~5minutes and scan the green light on a 400 diameter cycle. Birds are scared and fly away when they see the green light. 3. The automatic control system. It turns on the system in the morning and before the sunset, because during these two period of time, birds always come out and feed themselves. It turns off the system during the night and noon so as to save the electricity.本新型係一種自動驅鳥裝置,此裝置由一個太陽能板和一個小型風力發電機提供電源,將此電力儲存在蓄電池裡面,再由此電力帶動一個旋轉盤,旋轉盤上安置一個線狀的綠色雷射燈,旋轉盤旋轉時,綠色光束會掃瞄一個直徑兩百公尺的圓形範圍,此範圍內的麻雀及多種吃稻穀的鳥類會受到驚嚇,因而飛走。由於鳥類通常在清晨以及傍晚出來覓食,所以本裝置還安裝有一個感光開關,在清晨及傍晚啟動本裝置,在中午及黑夜關掉本裝置,以節省電力。1‧‧‧太陽能板2‧‧‧葉片3‧‧‧傳動輪4‧‧‧風力發電機5‧‧‧綠色雷射燈6‧‧‧旋轉盤7‧‧‧旋轉馬達8‧‧‧蓄電池9‧‧‧基座91‧‧‧支桿