With respect to male sexual dysfunction sufferer-use assistance devices, various examples of prior art describe requiring a penis to become erect and so forth, but this is close to impossible. Therefore, as a means for fitting a device and achieving the intended goal without having an erection, inevitably a hard sheath-like object that simulates an erect penis must be used. A structure should be designed in which the drawbacks of a sheath-like object are eliminated. Further, with respect to shape, material, and function, the device must be able to be worn, and inserted, without causing any discomfort to the user or a female partner. Provided is an assistance device comprising a hard sheath that simulates an erect penis and that has on the end thereof an air-bleed hole, and a soft skin that covers the entire hard sheath and that has an air-bleed hole at a position that is slightly offset from the air-bleed hole of the hard sheath, and the device has added thereto a valve function due to the two air-bleed holes. The assistance device utilizes to the upmost the state of the penis and the theory of negative pressure application, and can be worn and inserted with discomfort reduced to a great degree.En ce qui concerne les dispositifs dassistance à lusage de personnes souffrant dun dysfonctionnement sexuel mâle, divers exemples de lart antérieur décrivent la nécessité dun pénis en érection etc, mais cela est presquimpossible. Par conséquent, pour pouvoir ajuster un dispositif et atteindre le but recherché sans érection, il faut inévitablement utiliser un objet de type gaine rigide qui simule un pénis en érection. Il faut créer une structure dans laquelle les inconvénients liés à un objet de type gaine sont éliminés. En outre, en termes de forme, de matière et de fonction, le dispositif doit pouvoir être porté et inséré, sans provoquer de gêne pour lutilisateur ou son partenaire féminin. Linvention concerne un dispositif dassistance comprenant une gaine rigide qui simule u