Yi Seed Wheels chairs are set comprising a Yi Zuo Installed, a Sheng Jiang Installed are set and a Cheng Zuo Installed are set. The Sheng Jiang Installed set including Two Ge Fen Do Let set what The Yi Zuo Installed set left and right Two Side and can before the Volume Move Single member of Zi Shen Shaft Line As Shaft Xin Turn Move that extends of Hou and Yi Ge Let set what The Yi Zuo Installed Zhi And can the Volume Move Single Yuan Turn Move such as Tapes Move The Flooding Move Single members. The Cheng Zuo Installed set the seating part that meets what The Deng Even Jie Jian Inter including Even fittings in the Volume Move Single members such as Two Ge Fen Do Volume Let whats The and Yi Ge Even and can take for user. The Volume Move Single members Turn Move Time such as the Even fitting energy whats such as The The are received by the Volume Move Single members Volume such as The or Buddhism is put, and Tapes Move The take and move down Move on part, set Inter Change Change with the seat that multiplies in the ground location on a Ge what ground, the mono- Ge high whats ground With. The utility model benefit what returns to seating thereon from the user that the utility model is fallen again.一種輪椅,包含一椅座裝置、一升降裝置,以及一乘坐裝置。該升降裝置包括兩個分別設置於該椅座裝置左右兩側且能以前後延伸的自身軸線為軸心轉動的捲動單元,以及一個設置於該椅座裝置並能帶動該等捲動單元轉動的驅動單元。該乘坐裝置包括兩個分別捲設於該等捲動單元上的連接件,以及一個連接於該等連接件間且能供使用者乘坐的乘坐件。該等連接件能於該等捲動單元轉動時被該等捲動單元捲收或釋放,帶動該乘坐件上下移動,以在一個位於地面的地面位置,與一個高於地面的乘坐位置間變換。本新型利於自本新型跌落的使用者再次重返乘坐其上。3‧‧‧椅座裝置31‧‧‧側座單元311‧‧‧支撐桿312‧‧‧側底桿313‧‧‧側橫桿314‧‧‧扶手315‧‧‧桿孔32‧‧‧後座單元321‧‧‧後底桿322‧‧‧背靠件33‧‧‧腳踏件331‧‧‧踏板部332‧‧‧組裝部34‧‧‧椅輪單元341‧‧‧大椅輪342‧‧‧轉向輪35‧‧‧椅座空間4‧‧‧升降裝置41‧‧‧捲動單元411‧‧‧嵌卡部42‧‧‧驅動單元5‧‧‧乘坐裝置51‧‧‧連接件511‧‧‧卡嵌部52‧‧‧乘坐件521‧‧‧墊體部53‧‧‧布管54‧‧‧鉤件