Requirement 1: one emission multi-u.s. matrix, including: 2-hydroxymethylacrylic acid (HEMA),At least one chromosome 19. Claim 8: as defined in claim 7, the polymethyl peroxide is the originator of the polymethyl peroxide. Claim 15: the emission of the Duomei matrix as defined in claim 14, in which xanteno dye is selected between eosina and eritrosina B, fluorescein B, Rosa lighting and floxina B. Including: put a beauty matrix on the woundThe emitted polymerization matrix includes 2-hydroxy-methacrylic acid (HEMA) and at least one chromium (chromium) and illuminates the matrix with at least one wavelength absorbed by chromium (chromium), which is helpful for wound healing. 109. Claim 70: the emission polymerizing matrix, comprising 2-hydroxyacrylate (HEMA) and at least 1 chromium (chromium) body, is used to promote healing. 1. Claim 96: a complete set of equipment for the preparation of the launch beauty matrix as defined in claims 1 to 25,Including at least one 2-hydroxymethylacrylate (HEMA) and chromium (chromium), at least one container. Claim 99: one emission beauty matrix, including: 2-hydroxymethylacrylic acid (HEMA) and at least one chromium (chromium) body; in this matrix, the emission beauty matrix generates radiation through exposure to light, which can produce thermal effects on the surrounding environment.Reivindicación 1: Una matriz polimérica emisora, que comprende: 2-hidroxietil-metacrilato (HEMA), y al menos un cromóforo. Reivindicación 8: La matriz polimérica emisora tal como se la define en la reivindicación 7, en la cual el iniciador es peróxido de benzoílo. Reivindicación 15: La matriz polimérica emisora tal como se la define en la reivindicación 14, en la cual el colorante de xanteno se selecciona entre eosina Y, eritrosina B, fluoresceína, rosa bengala y floxina B. Reivindicación 26: Un método para promover la cicatrización de las heridas, que comprende: colocar una matriz polimérica emisora sobre una herida, en la cual la matriz polimérica em