Using a Pharmaceutically Suitable Preparation containing one more Cardio Glycosides such as THEVETIN B, THEVETIN A, PERUVOSIDE, THEVOFOLIN, OLEANDRIN, NERIIFOLIN, THEVETOXIN Derived and or Extracted from the Yellow Oleandrin Plant (Oleandrin Peruviana), White Oleandrin Plant (Nerium Oleander) and or other Plants in the Apocynaceae Genus, in the Dogbane Plant Family and or extracted from plants and or animals including plants and animals such as Foxglove or synthetic man-made, and or a combination of synthetic and natural thereof in Pharmaceutically Suitable Preparation in a Pharmaceutically Suitable Dose, example orally or intravenously, of which the Prescriber of the said Preparation, or Doctor, based on the overall health of the Patient will prescribe the best Dosage, The Best Mode of Dosage example orally or intravenously, which is best suited to have the Most Desirable Therapeutic Effect on the Patient