formulations for the elaboration of vegetable eggs refers to the present invention patent for formulations for the elaboration of vegetable eggs for application in the food industry, with filtered water, flax seeds, sea salt, pink himalayan salt and turmeric powder condiment as ingredients. for the preparation of vegetable eggs, made by heating and boiling for up to 5 minutes of the ingredients in a pan over medium heat, stirring constantly until it forms a thick yellow gel, which is sieved in a stainless steel sieve, over a bowl preferably glass, stirring with a spoon, until the gel expelled by the cooked flax seeds no longer comes out; the gel is placed in silicone, acetate or polycarbonate molds, the type used in making chocolate candies, in portion sizes for culinary use; the molds are taken to freeze in the freezer at -18 ° c; After freezing, the vegetable eggs are placed in plastic polyethylene bags, with nutritional information, manufacturing and expiration dates, batch number and instructions for the consumer to use the vegetable eggs in cooking recipes (cakes, cookies, pasta, in various uses) culinary), stored in a freezer at -18 ° c, to serve consumers allergic to eggs or who reject products of animal origin; the vegetable eggs of the formulations of the present invention patent have a shelf life of 3 to 6 months, in a freezer at -18 ° c.formulações para elaboração de ovos vegetais refere-se a presente patente de invenção de formulações para elaboração de ovos vegetais para aplicação na indústria alimentícia, tendo como ingredientes água filtrada, sementes de linhaça, sal marinho, sal rosa do himalaia e condimento cúrcuma em pó, para a elaboração de ovos vegetais, feitos mediante o aquecimento e fervura por até 5 minutos dos ingredientes numa panela em fogo médio, mexidos sem parar até formar um gel espesso de cor amarela, que é peneirado em peneira de aço inox, sobre uma vasilha preferencialmente de vidro, mexendo-se com uma colher, até não sair mais o ge