Hovorov Oleksandr Fedorovych,Говоров Олександр Федорович
A distributing shredder of plants, crop residues and straw comprises a casing, in which on the bearings mounted is a shredding element, made as a shaft with a horizontal rotational axle, to which knives are attached, and to the upper edge of the casing a guiding board is immovably attached, in the holes of the latter the axles are mounted hingedly, and over said board on the axles swing levers are immovably fixed, shredded material guides are immovably fixed to said swing levers under the board. According to the invention, to the swing levers of the of shredded material guides of the right and left halves of the unit hingedly connected are cover plates, equipped with clamps for fixing thereof to the guiding board. The length of the swing levers of the shredded material guides decreases from the middle part of the unit toward sides thereof, and the swing levers are connected with the cover plates through connection rods. The clamps of the cover plates fixing to the guiding board are bolts, each of which is inserted into a hole of the corresponding cover plate and screwed into a hole on the guiding board. On the account of such an embodiment the uniformity of distribution of fine particles increases, and while plants and crop residues are shredded and distributed, reduction in the power consumption of the distributing shredder takes place.Измельчитель-распределитель растений, растительных остатков и соломы содержит кожух, в котором на подшипниках установлен измельчительный орган, выполненный в виде вала с горизонтальной осью вращения, с которым соединены ножи, а к верхнему краю кожуха неподвижно прикреплен направляющий щит, в отверстиях которого шарнирно установлены оси, причем над щитом на осях неподвижно закреплены рычаги поворота, к которым под щитом неподвижно закреплены направляющие измельченного материала. В соответствии с изобретением, к рычагам поворота направляющих измельченного материала правой и левой половин устройства шарнирно присоединены планки, которые