1. A device for influence on human physiology - klipsoid for inhalation, comprising a container for a cotton swab with inhalation drug substance, and having a holding member and a tampon capacitance element informs its contents and closing the container for storing the substance therein, characterized in that it is formed with elements, allowing to hang it from / to the users nasal septum for long-term application of the drug substantsii.2. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that it allows the structural component to increase the capacity, reduce the opening to increase-decrease output therefrom substantsii.3 vapors. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that it laterally has a shackle, through which the tape can be omitted, the holding device polzovatelya.4 head. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that it has a reflective stickers which will mark and / or protect users in the dark vremya.5. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the retaining element of the tampon in the container or removable hinge configured to allow replacement of the contents emkosti.6. The apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that thereto are packed complete with capsule designated aromatic means suitable for flavoring vozduha.7 inhaled. An apparatus according to claims 1-6, characterized in that it has individual package information soderzhimomu.8. Device for effects on human physiology - gipoksikator versatile, comprising a housing with a capacity of variable volume and the volume of fixing elements, the elements to create drag breaths, elements for entry of air into the device1. Устройство для воздействия на физиологию человека - клипсоид для ингаляций, содержащий емкость для ватного тампона с ингаляторной лекарственной субстанцией, а также имеющий элемент удержания тампона в емкости и элемент информирующий о ее содержимом и закрывающий емкость для сохранения в ней субстанции, отличающийся тем, что он выполнен