USE of from djulis composition as reduce glucose concentration. Perparing the djulis Composition for the required individual before the meal, and avoiding glucose concentration rise, wherein the djulis composition is mixture of the djulis hull powder and water. The djulis hull powder contains dietary fiber, and dietary fiber account for 60 ~ 80% of the total weight of djulis hull powder.本發明揭露一種臺灣藜組成物用於製備降血糖之藥物之用途。將臺灣藜組成物於餐前投予所需個體,以抑制血糖上升,其中,臺灣藜組成物係為台灣藜外殼的穀粉與水的混合。穀粉包含膳食纖維,膳食纖維佔穀粉總重的60~80%。