Acupuncture needle structure device with highly distinguishable size specification and easy searching having a resin handle integrally formed as one piece to encapsulate the back half of a needle body by using a buried injection molding method
Provided is an acupuncture needle structure device with highly distinguishable sizes which are easy in searching. The needle structure includes a needle body and a resin handle. The resin handle is connected with and arranged at the back portion of the needle body. The acupuncture needle structure device is characterized in that: the resin handle is integrally formed with resin materials of PP or ABS to encapsulate the back portion of the needle body with a buried injection molding approach. The resin handle connected to the needle body has two windows in communication with each other. The windows can be used to determine whether the needle body is accurately molded into an axis of the resin handle. Because the needle body is molded into the axis of the resin handle, the firmness of the needle body exceeds the assembling firmness of the conventional metal spiral handle. In addition to avoiding the risk of needle drop as encountered by the conventional metal spiral handle, the resin handle can be colored during the molding with colorants so as to form a resin handle of distinct colored structure. Therefore, before the application the acupuncture needle on patients, the doctor is able to immediately and rapidly identify the sizes and the model number of the acupuncture needle solely based on the color of resin handle. Furthermore, after the acupuncture needle treatment session has been finished, the doctor is able to clearly, positively and completely remove the acupuncture needles from the body of the patient, so as to prevent medical risk of missing acupuncture needles to be removed.一種可輕易分辨尺寸規格及尋找之針灸針結構裝置,其包含有一針體、一樹脂握柄所構成,該樹脂握柄係連結設置於針體後半段處,其特徵在於:該樹脂握柄係以PP或ABS二種樹脂為材料而以埋入射出成型方法包覆於針體後半段處形成一體成形狀,而和針體連接端之樹脂握柄上具有二個相通之視窗,該視窗能作為判定針體是否能準確的塑入於樹脂握柄軸心,且因針體係塑入於樹脂握柄軸心,故其牢固度超越傳統金屬螺旋握柄之裝配牢度,可避免如金屬螺旋握柄發生脫針風險外,更可於樹脂握柄加入不同顏色以形成不同色彩結構之樹脂握柄,進而具有可讓施作者在施作前,僅憑樹脂握柄之顏色即可立即地、快速地辨識出針灸針之規格尺寸及型號,更可讓施作者在作完施針之療程後,能清晰及明確地完全拔除患者身上之針灸針,以預防遺漏針灸針未拔之醫療風險者。6‧‧‧樹脂握柄601‧‧‧視窗602‧‧‧螺旋花紋603‧‧‧頂端部7‧‧‧針灸針