Just Shou Ji Installed are set Yi Seed Pet Wu Dung, include Yi Dai Body An Installed parts, The Dai Body An Installed parts can control Yi Dai Body Open Kou Feng Closed Huo Open Kai, one deduction part part, Department Pivot connect on what The Dai Body An Installed parts, And whats The Dai Body An Installed Jian Xing Cheng Closed close Like Tai Time, to fixed The Dai Body An Installed parts, an and holding assembly, The holding assemblies have one with the accommodating sky Inter closed for The deduction part part Knot, The deduction parts part what The is set to accommodate Kong Inter Inner, controllable The Dai Body An Installed part Xing Cheng mono- Closed close Like states Huo mono- Open Kai Like states, Jin and utilize The Open Kai Like states collect The Dung just, closing Like states using The Closed prevents The Dung from just dropping out, Tong Time are avoided that the raw Iso Wei Piao of The Dung Bian Suo Productivity dissipate in what sky Gas.一種寵物糞便收集裝置,包含一袋體安裝件,該袋體安裝件可控制一袋體的開口封閉或開啟,一推引部件,係樞接於該袋體安裝件上,並於該袋體安裝件形成閉合狀態時,用以固定該袋體安裝件,以及一握持部件,該握持部件具有一用以供該推引部件結合的容置空間,使該推引部件於該容置空間內,可控制該袋體安裝件形成一閉合狀態或一開啟狀態,進而利用該開啟狀態收集該糞便,利用該閉合狀態防止該糞便掉出,同時能避免該糞便所產生的異味飄散於空氣中。10‧‧‧寵物糞便收集裝置20‧‧‧袋體安裝件23‧‧‧第一桿體24‧‧‧第二桿體25‧‧‧第三桿體26‧‧‧第四桿體27‧‧‧黏合部30‧‧‧推引部件33‧‧‧扣持件332‧‧‧扣持部40‧‧‧握持部件