Oral formulations in the form of 9-[(2,2-dimethyl-propyl) methyl) tablets; a few chloramines; preparation methods; injectable formulations; tools for the treatment of infections.
Oral formulation of 9 - [(2,2-dimethyl - propilamino) methyl] - Minocycline; method to prepareCompressed Solid dosage form of this compound; injection formulation thereof, useful in the treatment of an infection.<;p>;FORMULACIÓ;N ORAL EN FORMA DE TABLETA DE 9-[(2,2-DIMETIL-PROPILAMINO)-METIL]-MINOCICLINA; MÉ;TODO DE PREPARACIÓ;N; FORMULACIÓ;N INYECTABLE DEL MISMO; Ú;TILES EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE UNA INFECCIÓ;N.<;/p>;