A prosthetic heart valve (22) configured to be placed minimally invasively in unanillo native aortic valve, comprising: a housing flap (72) of nickel-titanium, compressible, self expanding, having three decomisura areas ( 32) vertical U-shaped generally axially oriented, three decomisura areas positioned at an outlet end of the frame flange and circumferentially around uneje flow, being characterized in that the three zones commissure alternating with three zones of leaflet (30 ) intermediate U-shaped, the three zones and three commissure areas defining a continuous valve formaondulante three flexible fins (52) fixed to the frame flap, each flap having an opposite free edge edge valvaarqueado (102) and a pair of edges commissure including being those aletasfijadas around the frame flap with an edge of corner of each flap joining a decomisura edge of a flap adjoining one of the areas of the corners of the frame wing and three positioners valve (42) U-shaped rigidly fixed relative to the frame of ydispuestos flap circumferentially about the flow axis, each positioner valve having two pins (92) and an apex (90), each apex being located average distance between two zones of delarmazón corner flap, wherein each of the positioners leaflet U-shaped radialmentehacia extends out beyond the areas commissure frame fin to provide three decontacto points with the surrounding tissue to help stabilize and anchor the prosthetic heart valve within delanillo native aortic valve.Una válvula de corazón protésica (22) configurada para ser colocada de manera mínimamente invasiva en unanillo de válvula aórtica nativa, que comprende: un armazón de aleta (72) de aleación de níquel-titanio, compresible, autoexpansible, que tiene tres zonas decomisura (32) verticales en forma de U generalmente orientadas axialmente, estando las tres zonas decomisura posicionadas en un extremo de salida del armazón de aleta y circunferencialmente alrededor de uneje de flujo, caracterizado porque las tres zonas