Yi Seed Gao Frequency magnetic Games induction heating formula Hot Treatment Needles, Jin Genus Silk comprising Yi Absolutely Edge Bang Body, more Number Han Iron, and the Warm Du Gan Measuring devices in the Jin Genus Silk Warm degree Di Chuan Let Yu Bang Body such as Ke Gan Measuring The, the Jin Genus Silk Shi Inter such as The every fixed Yu Bang Body first end , And Ke Fen Do Bei Gao Frequency AC magnetisms Games senses Should Flooding Move Er Hair Hot. Tou Over structure Jane Single and can the same patient Chong Complex of what using Hot Treatment Needles Let Meter, this is caused in addition to Hot Treatment Needles System can be greatly reduced, and great Fu Minus lack outside Hot Treatment Fa Medical Treatment Charges, It Ke Tou Over The Warm Du Gan Measuring Qi, that is, Time Gan Measuring return the Jin Genus Silk Warm Du Let Meter such as Feed The, Steady controls the Jin Genus Silk Warm degree such as The in Hot Treatment surely, and sufferer Bu Fitness senses are greatly reduced, it is universal to help what Hot Treatment method Tui Wide.一種高頻磁場感應加熱式熱療針,包含一絕緣性棒體、多數含鐵之金屬絲,及一可感測該等金屬絲溫度地穿設於棒體中之溫度感測器,該等金屬絲是間隔固定於棒體之第一端,並可分別被高頻交流磁場感應驅動而發熱。透過結構簡單且可於同一病人重複使用之熱療針設計,除了可大幅降低熱療針之製造成本,而大幅減少熱療法之醫療費用外,還可透過該溫度感測器即時感測回饋該等金屬絲溫度設計,穩定控制熱療中之該等金屬絲溫度,而大幅降低病患的不適感,有助於熱療法之推廣普及。