The present invention refers to an ophthalmic diagnostic device, of the type that allows visual fields to be evaluated in an objective manner in the macular area of subjects to be studied, which comprises a perimeter structure from which a chromatic luminous stimulus is provided, the position, color and luminescence being programmable, the stimulus being provided by a plurality of LEDs, and a back illumination programmed in luminance and provided by a white luminous source a circuitry for supplying the back and chromatic luminous stimuli a video camera for acquiring images at a minimum speed of thirty squares per second a system for converting analogic images into digital images a user interface for programming the color, luminance, position and duration of the stimuli a first block that enables the automatic processing of images for obtaining the pupillary area per square a second block enables the automatic obtention of the positioning of the pupil centroid for determining los s of fixation of focal point, both the first and second blocks being operated by a PC the third block is intended to display the results of the evaluation of the obtained images, qualifying as positive or negative in case of being seen or not by the subject under study and an ophthalmologic support for the initial fixation of position of the studied subject.La presente invención se refiere a un dispositivo para diagnóstico oftálmico, de los del tipo que permiten evaluar de forma objetiva y cuantitativa los campos visuales en el área macular en sujetos en estudio, que se comprende de una estructura de perímetro a partir de la cual se proporciona un estímulo luminoso cromático programable en posición, color y luminancia, proveído por una pluralidad de LEDs, y una iluminación de fondo programable en luminancia, proveída por una fuente lumínica de color blanco una circuitería pata alimentar a los estímulos luminosos cromáticos y de fondo una videocámara capaz de adquirir imágenes a una velocidad