The bright Yi Seed Zhong Drug System Elixirs System Prepare method , Ju Body Come that are related to of this Hair are said, are related to Yi Seed Yellow stilbene broken wallsSystem Elixirs System Prepare methods. Hair Ming Tong Over Will Yellow stilbenes are ground into the super mono- Bu Tong Over alcohol-water Wet Fa System Li , And mono- of Fine Fen Body , Zai Jin of As and Ding Squeeze Pressure moldings Xia Turn Su, and the universe is dry, and the qualitative Strong of bioavailability , And Qie System Elixirs Steady of You Ci System get Yellow stilbene Po Bi System Elixirs Ju You More high, disintegration are good.本發明涉及一種中藥製劑的製備方法,具體來說,涉及一種黃芪破壁製劑的製備方法。發明通過將黃芪粉碎成為超細粉體,再進一步通過乙醇-水濕法製粒,並在一定的轉速下擠壓成型,乾燥,由此製得的黃芪破壁製劑具有較高的生物利用率,並且製劑穩定性強、崩解性好。